"Phoebe Legere is a transdisciplinary artist. Her multi-format artworks issue from a powerful and intimate internal voice."
~The Brooklyn Rail

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Phoebe Legere & Joakim Lartey at The Falcon in Marlboro, NY NOVEMBER 6th!


"Joakim and I will be doing our special Tribal Roots of Rock show on the Main Stage of the FALCON in Marlboro, NY Nov. 6th.

"Here's how it goes: I start playing a 12,000-year-old song from our tribe in Canada, and then Joakim starts playing a rhythm from his tribe in West Africa. In the place where the two tunes MEET you hear American Jazz, Blues, Cajun and Rock N Roll. 

The facebook page for this event is:
"These photos were taken by my soul sister Barbara Upton -Joakim's multi-talented wife. This band is called MOFU - a combination of my famous band MONAD and Joakim's famous band FUTU FUTU ****= MOFU," says PHOEBE.

For information: