PHOEBE LEGERE formed the first band of women who were dedicated to playing music on equal footing with the male musicians who dominated the scene.
Phoebe's MONAD was an original all-female musical unit that commanded respect in a world of boy bands. Because of PHOEBE LEGERE, women were inspired to create their own music and form their own bands and musical groups, solo acts or duos.
PHOEBE's inspiring musicianship propelled women to step into the fray and create and play their true spirit. Phoebe's music and song was the social catapult that continues to galvanize women in every genre of music.
There were boy bands...there were girls who sang in bands... but Phoebe Legere's MONAD was the first multi-racialðnic group featuring women who played music as a unit on equal footing with the dudes.
The mission was not diversity--Phoebe's plan just worked out that way--and everything flowed in harmony. This groundbreaking group inspired the wheel to turn in a revolutionary way and made rock music what it is today.
Phoebe's MONAD was an original all-female musical unit that commanded respect in a world of boy bands. Because of PHOEBE LEGERE, women were inspired to create their own music and form their own bands and musical groups, solo acts or duos.
Every woman is welcome to play music with and be inspired by Phoebe Legere |
PHOEBE's inspiring musicianship propelled women to step into the fray and create and play their true spirit. Phoebe's music and song was the social catapult that continues to galvanize women in every genre of music.
The mission was not diversity--Phoebe's plan just worked out that way--and everything flowed in harmony. This groundbreaking group inspired the wheel to turn in a revolutionary way and made rock music what it is today.