"Phoebe Legere is a transdisciplinary artist. Her multi-format artworks issue from a powerful and intimate internal voice."
~The Brooklyn Rail

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Darrell Thorne With Phoebe Legere on The New Foundation For New American Art TV Series! THE COLOR WHEEL!

Just back from filming AMERICA's GOT TALENT, Darell Thorne, multidisciplinary artist and producer in design, makeup and performance art, is currently filming an episode for Phoebe Legere's new TV show for children, "The Color Wheel."

The creative show that makes learning fun, "The Color Wheel" demonstrates in real-life accessible examples how STEM (Science-Techonology-Engineering-Math) subjects relate and can be found as tools in Art, Music, Dance and Theater. 

The two iconic legends of art-design-theater-and-creativity will collaborate on design projects and discuss how Art has impacted their lives. For more information, visit